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Writer's pictureKelli A. Wilkins

Meet the Character Day: Chatting with Rothgar from The Viking’s Witch

This “Meet the Character Day” blog is part of a series examining my romance novels. In each “Behind the Scenes” blog, I talk about why I wrote the book, share my thoughts on the plot and/or characters, and reveal what I loved most (or least) about writing the book. The “Meet the Character Day” blogs are fun chats with the heroes and heroines from my romances. Warning: blogs may contain spoilers.

Hello romance lovers! Today we’re chatting with Rothgar, the hero from The Viking’s Witch, a historical/paranormal romance from Kelli A. Wilkins. Before we hear from Rothgar, let’s learn more about the book.

The Viking’s Witch

Scotland, 803 A.D.

About to be burned at the stake by her fellow villagers, Odaria does what any betrayed witch facing certain death would do. She calls down a curse. Within seconds, rampaging Norsemen raid the village, capturing everyone except her.

But her reprieve is short-lived, and Odaria lands in the clutches of the Norse leader Rothgar. Can she remain true to herself and fight her growing attraction to this domineering man, or will she fall under his influence and be used for his ambitions?

After Rothgar witnesses Odaria’s powers firsthand, he strikes a bargain with her. The raven-haired beauty will use her magical abilities to help him with his quest in exchange for safe passage off the isle. But can this cunning woman be trusted, or is she using him to exact vengeance on her village?

Together they must fight bloodthirsty villagers, battle a mutinous band of Norsemen, find a missing Norse ship, and learn to trust each other… before time runs out.


Welcome Rothgar. Can you tell us how you came to the Orkney Islands and met Odaria, the heroine in The Viking’s Witch? Ja. I was sent there to look for my cousin, Orvind. His ship had vanished and my uncle wanted me to find him. After we came ashore, I found Odaria hiding in a gathering hall and I rescued her from an attack. To repay my kindness, she hit me! (Chuckles.) It was a very unusual first meeting.

What’s your story/back story? What was your life like before your author started pulling your strings?

Before Kelli brought me and my fellow Norsemen to Stronsay, I was living a very different life. Once upon a time, I was known as “Rothgar the Ruthless” and I was a fierce and respected warrior. However, after my wife and son died, I gave up raiding and traveling and was considered “soft” by many of my fellow warriors. I was content to live on my farm and tend to my animals. I’ll admit, when Kelli gave me this mission, I was reluctant to take it. But I resurrected my stronger side and became a warrior once again. I’m glad I did, because sailing to Scotland and meeting Odaria renewed my strength and self-confidence, and gave me a second chance at a happy life.

You sound very noble. How would you describe yourself? A strong warrior who does not tolerate disloyalty or fools. I’ll fight for a cause I believe in, but I cannot stomach excess violence or abuse toward women. I’m a disciplined man who stands by my word, and I expect the same from others. What’s your goal in this story? When the story begins, my primary goal is to rescue Orvind. After I met Odaria, I had another goal: to protect her from her fellow Picts. Along the way, Odaria and I decided on a common goal: to bring her home with me. What conflicts are you facing in the book? I have conflicts everywhere! My fellow Norsemen are reluctant to obey my orders; they want to raid the nearby islands instead of searching for Orvind. The Picts refuse to cooperate and won’t tell me where Orvind has been hidden, and they all want to kill Odaria. Odaria is also a bit of a problem at times. She’s very headstrong and refuses to listen to me for her own good.

What was your first impression of Odaria? I had never known a woman like her before—soft and tender one minute, then feisty and fighting the next. I was impressed by her inner strength (she had just been tied to a stake and nearly burned to death), and her ability to cope with tragic situations. Later, when she wept like a frightened girl, I saw how vulnerable she was deep down, and my heart melted.

What is it about Odaria that makes you crazy in a good way? She’s very strong-willed and opinionated and likes to do things her own way, no matter what. When I first met her, this was very frustrating and drove me crazy, because I knew what was best for her, and yet, she fought me at every turn. Only later did I come to realize that all these traits made me love her even more.

Who is the one person you respect and trust the most? Odaria has proven that she’s unlike any other woman, and I trust her with my life. I have the utmost respect for her and know that she will fight with me, and for me, if necessary. I also have great respect for my berserkr friend, Nordskog. His great courage and loyalty saved Odaria and me from certain death.

Do you sometimes want to strangle your author? Thrash her to within an inch of her life for what she put you through in the book? Yes! Over the course of the book, Kelli put me through several very emotional trials. I had to discipline (and battle) fellow Norsemen, contend with the local villagers, protect Odaria, and still look for my cousin. It was a very exhausting few days, but I know that Kelli did it all for a good reason. She brought Odaria and I together and changed our lives forever. We’re both very happy now and quite indebted to Kelli for all she’s done for us. (Although she could have made things a little easier!)

Thank you for your time, Rothgar. Before you go, tell us a little something about your author. Where can readers find her website/blog - and where can they order the book?

Readers can order The Viking's Witch here:

Link to all other platforms:

On Kelli’s behalf, I’d like to invite everyone to visit her website: blog: and Amazon Author page: to see all her writings.

She has written several other great romances in all genres (historical, paranormal, gay, erotica, and contemporary) that readers will enjoy.

Thank you for letting me share my thoughts today. I hope everyone who reads The Viking’s Witch will check out Kelli’s other romances. She’s a talented writer and creates interesting stories that are hard to put down. (And her heroes are all very handsome, too!)

Kind Regards,



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